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Iowa Senate Minority Leader Pam Jochum will not seek reelection this year

pam jochum stands in the law library at the iowa capitol
Lucius Pham
Senate Minority Leader Pam Jochum says she will not seek reelection in 2024.

Iowa Senate Minority Leader Pam Jochum announced Friday she is not running for reelection this year. The Democrat from Dubuque has been in the legislature for three decades.

“As I bid farewell to the honor of serving Dubuque in the Iowa Senate, I want to thank the people of Dubuque for the honor and privilege of serving them and our community in the Iowa Legislature,” Jochum said in a statement. “It’s truly been an honor that words do not adequately express. I am excited to pass the torch to the next generation of leaders who will champion a brighter future for Iowa.”

She said she will focus on “fighting for a better deal for Iowans” during this legislative session and on getting more Democrats elected to the Iowa Senate in November.

Republicans hold a 34-16 supermajority in the Iowa Senate after the 2022 elections.

Last summer, Senate Democrats ousted former Senate Minority Leader Zach Wahls, D-Coralville, after he fired two longtime staffers. They voted Jochum in as their leader. Jochum previously served as Senate President when Democrats held the majority.

Jochum said the “outpouring of support” from friends and colleagues after the death of her daughter Sarah stands out from her time in the legislature.

“Perhaps one of the most gratifying experiences has been the wonderfully kind and generous people that I’ve met and are now in my life,” she said.

In terms of political accomplishments, Jochum highlighted her role in securing funding for economic development projects in Dubuque, passing Medicaid expansion and same-day voter registration, the creation of tax-advantaged savings accounts for people with disabilities, and more.

“I extend heartfelt thanks to my colleagues for their unwavering support in the Iowa Senate,” she said. “As I step back from elected office, my commitment to fighting for a better deal for Iowans remains steadfast. I look forward to supporting the incoming Senate Democrats as they continue the journey toward an Iowa with more freedom, opportunity and accountability.”

Katarina Sostaric is IPR's State Government Reporter