IPR Member Portal
Not a member yet? Join today. You choose the amount. Your investment in this station makes you an active member of IPR.
Update your contact information
Please complete the form below or click here to update your mailing address, email or phone number.
Update your payment information:
To update your credit card or payment information for your Sustaining Membership give us a call at 800-861-8000.
Change your donation amount:
Use this form to increase or decrease the amount you give monthly.
Click here to access the IPR Sustainer Store.
Looking for your thank you gift?
Thank you for your recent donation! Thank you gifts can take up to 6 weeks to arrive after your contribution. If you haven't yet received your gift after 6 weeks, please fill out this form and we'll be glad to assist.
IPR's Tax ID Number: 20-4227123
Anything else? Get in touch! We'll be happy to help you out.
Don't see the form below? Send us an email at membership@iowapublicradio.org or click here.